This Indian Chick
Just out here trying to break generational curses.
A vulnerable show about growth and where I get into my feels. It's even in the meaning of my name! Bhavna = Emotions or Feelings. I discuss all things about life and growth in complete raw form, unapologetically and with curiosity. Sharing my own lived experiences and bringing on friends, family, speakers from all walks of life to drop their golden nuggets.
I'm always looking for guests! So if you feel you're ready to get into your feels with me, let's do this one together! I'm so down. Connect with me @thisindianchick on Instagram.
This Indian Chick
Overcoming Overthinking
Trying something new can be daunting for some. So what happens? Overthinking comes in like a tsunami and heavy waves of fear, uncertainty, perfectionism and our trauma flow in and washes all the amazing ideas and opportunities away leaving a feeling of desiring more from self but it's like you're stuck in a vicious circle.
I've been there. Numerous times. Some ideas and projects flourished. Some didn't even see the light of day. Overtime, I've come to realize that the more I allow myself to try new things, the more I grow as a person and the more fulfilling life becomes.
Putting in the effort and taking action is key to overcoming those thoughts. And yes...it does take time and practice! The first is always the hardest, but the reward of pushing past that fear is truly priceless. So, if you're struggling with overthinking, take it one step at a time. You got this!
#overcomingoverthinking #selfgrowth #trynewthings #stepoutofyourcomfortzone